I remember playing the demo for Bioshock from the Xbox Live Marketplace in 2007. Being only 11 at the time, the Splicers, Big Daddies, and overall unnerving environment was much more intimidating. So I didn’t finish the demo in one go.
Later on, I rented a copy from Blockbuster and beat it before the return date (Despite already finishing it, I still purchased it, that's how good of a game it is).
The reveal at the end, the "good" ending, were such incredible moments that make you want to take some time before playing something else as to savor it a bit longer.
BioShock still holds up after all this time

Even after 15 years, which is wild to think it’s been that long, the game still holds up incredibly well. Nothing feels dated from the storytelling, atmosphere, character and environment designs, and gameplay. Even the graphics are still great for it’s age. Bioshock was ahead of its time, and showed people who don’t play games that they can be as much an art form as any other medium.
Many games have come since which take inspiration from Bioshock’s ominous atmosphere and depiction of a once great world corrupted. Dishonored, Prey, We Happy Few, Close to The Sun, and the yet to be released Atomic Heart all feel like Little Sisters to the Big Daddy itself.
Celebrating BioShock’s 15th Birthday
As we love the Bioshock series here at Playsum, we want to add to the festivities and give the community a chance to experience Rapture and Columbia for themselves. For the next 14 days you can enter to win a steam copy of Bioshock: The Collection, which contains the remastered versions of all 3 games. You can enter directly below or head on over to Playsum Giveaways